
Planet Survival & Communal Singing Workshop - 4:15pm ET/1:15pm PT


We'll be joining our friends and powerhouse songleaders, Annie Patterson, Lea Gilmore & Aileen Vance for this workshop at the People's Music Network Winter Convergence online gathering. Info & registration for the Convergence at: www.peoplesmusic.org

"Planet Survival & Communal Singing": Pete Seeger often talked about his belief that if there is still a human race in a hundred years one of the main reasons will be that we found ways to sing together. We’ll explore ways we get people singing with each other and share ways we’ve learned to maximize the impact on hearts & minds of those involved. This will be an interactive workshop with a focus on the practical, concrete ways to make communal singing bringing people together. More about the workshop at: https://www.riseupandsing.org/events/workshop-communal-singing